- Comment on Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds announced! 8 months ago:
They really haven’t touched the home instancing much, I hope that homesteads will have a similar quality as mounts did when they released.
- Comment on Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds announced! 8 months ago:
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summoning hype train
Housing is something I’ve wanted forever! It gives me something that I can truly call my own. I wonder if it will allow the use of guild decorations and if there is any outdoor space for a small roller beetle track. I am also curious if any achievements could reward us with decorations that are unique to that event, such as pieces of a world boss, or heads from smaller enemies(that are not unique).
Spears! It’s interesting, not sure yet how I really feel about them.
I’ve never been into raids, I consider myself too casual, but I do enjoy open world events.
Warclaw rework could be interesting, I wonder if we could see mounted combat.
Releasing on Epic is also good, as it brings more players to the game.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Yeah, I originally was hoping for a singleplayer mode and realized that it didn’t have any way to reset player progress. Ubisoft needs to realize that MMOs aren’t meant to have sequals so often and are meant to support them for a long time and instead release expansions, look at Runescape, WoW, and Guild Wars 1 for examples.
- Comment on Do you guys like scary puzzle games? If so, I made one, and i think gou might like it! 1 year ago:
I fixed it for you. Image