No, because the Dreamcast was cool in the first place. Xbox peaked with the 360 and has gone downhill since.
Could Xbox Soon Become The Next Dreamcast?
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
No? Xbox might not be in the greatest place right now, but it's a far cry from where Sega was when they discontinued the Dreamcast. Yeah, Microsoft stepped on a lot of rakes with the Xbox One, but it wasn't a Saturn-style disaster and Microsoft is still doing well enough to buy out a major game publisher. 10 months ago
didn’t read the article, but to answer the headline: no.
xbox is backed by Microsoft, one of the biggest companies on the planet. if xbox was going to go away, it would have happened during the Xbox one lifecycle, in my opinion. 10 months ago
I thought Xbox was about to become the next water cooler? 10 months ago
Doubtful. The Dreamcast mostly failed due to lack of faith in the product from SEGA. They stopped development on them only like a year after they came out, IIRC, despite having a super solid and amazing catalogue already. 10 months ago
This isn’t really what happened with the dreamcast. It didn’t sell well, and more importantly, it didn’t sell well enough to cover the cost of making new dreamcasts. Sega well supported the system, but could not afford to stay in the hardware business. 10 months ago
I sincerely hope walled garden consoles all go the way of the dreamcast. We‘re seeing huge advantages in small set top box style computers with plug and play functionality.
The most important part is you actually own the device which means you can put any OS on it, write your own apps and customize and use it however you like for however long you want. 10 months ago, lol