Works in England:…/4-day-work-week-trial-yields-overwhelmi…
But no matter what Sanders tries to do, it seems unlikely to pass the Senate and will NEVER pass the House.
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Works in England:…/4-day-work-week-trial-yields-overwhelmi…
But no matter what Sanders tries to do, it seems unlikely to pass the Senate and will NEVER pass the House.
I don’t think this will ever become law in the US in the near future. The biggest change for some workers came about because of the covid lunacy. So many were “forced” to work remotely and loved it. It was fun after they could no longer play the “we are all going die from covid” how employers wanted everyone to come back. This was total bullshit. If people were productive working remote why did they need to drag their ass back into an office
This would force most people back to an office.
I would a couple hour a day most days. They prob give me more work if this became law
I’m all for worker rights but this would leave to mass layoffs and more work. Thanks Bernie.
I think Bernie believes his own BS but he’s not very smart.
Given worker efficiency increases with decreased hours, the effective costs (measure in hours worked to afford something, not raw 2024 $s) should go down if the extra productivity doesn’t just lead to more profits per employee hour worked.
I have no issue with better worker rights. I’d rather focus on things like living wages and laws around vacation. Bernie just isn’t smart and focuses on the wrong thing. All this would do is push people back to the office and companies would hand out more work.
Or capping salaries of public companies to 25 the lowest employee
THIS is the real answer. I pretty sure Japan does something like this. If the lowest full time guy is getting $25K per year why should the head guy be getting $25 fucking million or more. I understand that if you have more expertise and experience that you get paid more than those that don’t but the gap is HUGE.
Private companies let the gap be there. Do what you want but public companies, let’s put some rules around them. Since our retirement is tied to these companies. We are tried to their success and they benefit from the taxes we pay.
I say the government should fuck off and leave it between the employer and employee
If the 32 hour work week provides efficiency benefits then the market will trend to 32 hour work weeks and it’s not going to impact the price to consumers. I can see heavy handed government action negatively impacting consumer prices and can see many be forced to work “Overtime” to make up the difference. Market pressures are incremental and competition forces companies to keep competitive margins. But if the whole market is just expected to eat additional labor costs by the government, I would expect the whole market would raise prices to keep the same margins rather than arbitrarily deciding to lower them.
We already see the market improving conditions without government action happening with remote work. There are some fortune 500 companies with enough corporate bureaucracy and money to burn that are resisting it. But the smaller start ups and SMBs that are thriving don’t care where you are and how long you spend doing it as long as the work gets done.
Bernie is just an idiot. He means well. He’s just an idiot.
I don’t mind setting controls such as overtime laws but mandating 32 work weeks is silly. It will cause shortages in industries that are already short staffed. It’ll cause many employers to push people back in the office full time. Let people negotiate what they want. I barely work but I know if they managed 32, they’d reduce staff and fill up my work week.
Sorry little Timmy you got in a car accident at the end of the week, you’ll have to wait until Sunday before you can get medical care. 11 months ago
“Things can’t be better because if they’re better they’ll be more expensive.”
Could have said the same thing about the 40 hour work week. We should all go back to 60 hour weeks so that we can save all that money then!