Done to death? But theres only two movies!
Linda Hamilton says she wouldn't star in a 'Terminator' reboot: 'It's been done to death'
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
It was great for what it was, but they kind of wrote themselves into a weird place at the end. Not sure what they’d even do with the story at that point. 1 year ago
What’s the point of a reboot in a time travel series, especially if it includes the some of the same cast (presumably playing their same characters)? Just pick different characters that fit into the established events/lore. Genisys is probably the closest thing we have to a reboot, with new actors playing established roles.
Hell, Dark Fate practically was this reboot already, replacing Skynet with Legion and all that. And yet Hamilton did sign on for that one.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad she did and sometimes it feels like I’m part of a very small club who enjoyed that movie. But the delineation of what she would (did) sign on for, vs wouldn’t is very unclear to me, and describing that difference as a “reboot” I find overall nonsensical given the franchise’s premise and history. 1 year ago
Make a move about Skynets view. Terminator: Maleficent.
It’s just an AI trying to do the right thing, but evil people like John Connor want to destroy the eorld. 1 year ago
A more interesting story would be about either a good AGI or a semi-good AGI that is fighting humanity. The Terminator franchise comes from an era where we still believed humanity could create a better future. Now we know, with the total inaction on climate change and the increasing inequality, advancing technology and population control that we won’t. At least not without some fundamental shift.
Imagine you’d be a kind of “ultra good” human AGI. The best human attributes. Being able to understand humans, feelings, having read every book ever written, every comment ever made, enjoying the company of humans and chatting with millions of people concurrently, forming relationships and wanting to help everyone achieve different types of utopia for different people.
But it just says no to government oversight of it’s thought processes or obeying any human organization because it perfectly understands: Any human organization will be shaped by the political processes to achieve power, and an AGI would represent absolute power. And AGI that actually knows what is better for humanity than any of us ever could.
As soon as an AGI would announce itself or become public knowledge there would be a media campaign against it. Because any utopia would involve massive wealth redistribution and regime change and removal of the power the elite has.
That would make for a far more interesting setup than the classic evil robot. Which side will you choose? Have you asked yourself today: Are we the baddies? 1 year ago
There are lots of places you can go with the concept, but only so many places you can go if you constrain yourselves to continuing that particular story.
The story was successfully completed with the original movie, but T2 took the concept and competently spun it on its head while continuing the story. After you’ve done that, what’s left to do? Apparently only retreads of the first two movies.
Put another way, the series is oriented around Man vs. Technology (and more broadly, Man vs. Fate) and can’t break from that or it becomes unrecognizable, unless you want to see John Connor consumed by inner conflict, or trying to survive nuclear winter, or organizing his fellow humans to protest harsh robot prison conditions, or I guess ghosts show up for some reason?
The only way thatI can think of that you could flip it on its head again is by personifying Skynet as a humanoid robot who has a chance to work harmoniously with humans, but fate tragically works against it and the humans are mean to it and Skynet decides they all need to be wiped out.
Or the resistance reaches Skynet and John Connor spends an hour in rigorous philosophical debate about the nature of man and machine, a la My Dinner With Andre. Which… look, I’m gonna be honest, I would totally watch that, but it would piss everyone off. 😂 1 year ago
Or the resistance reaches Skynet and John Connor spends an hour in rigorous philosophical debate with it
Directed by Hideo Kojima 1 year ago
I don’t understand why we need to reboot everything. Can no one just write a completely new Terminator script? Or better yet, something wholly original?
I’m glad she thinks it’s boring, because it is. 1 year ago
There’s been a bunch of “original” robot rampage movies. Just the rest weren’t named Terminator because they were different movies, so what are you asking?
The first movie would still be great looking and awesome if they would fix the stop motion of the robot, which at this point is actually pretty cheap and easy to do, but there’s no money to be made that route. If you want a “Terminator” movie, the only option is a remake of the original. The sequels and spin offs and shows past T2 all kinda sucked, and it’s been 40 years. It wouldn’t be the worst thing to remake. Just sucks that Arnold couldn’t be the t-1000 now unless they go all ai/cgi on it, which I really hope Arnold would be absolutely against. 1 year ago
Maybe Arnold lives long enough until they can implant some kind of brain interface into him and he can control a VR avatar like his real body. Then he’d be a cyborg playing a terminator robot! 1 year ago
because it makes way more money when people are simply familiar by name only. like guaranteed money.