Not really. I don’t know what effect you thought posting the stereotype online in public was going to have other than to spread it. This is exactly and precisely what spreading it looks like, surely?
Why shouldn’t racist (or sexist, etc) comments be called out? Just because you needed to fight with someone online today to make yourself feel better? Take it somewhere else pal I’m not buying. 1 week ago
Not really. I don’t know what effect you thought posting the stereotype online in public was going to have other than to spread it. This is exactly and precisely what spreading it looks like, surely? 1 week ago
No. 1 week ago
You must be great at keeping secrets too! 1 week ago
Why shouldn’t racist (or sexist, etc) comments be called out? Just because you needed to fight with someone online today to make yourself feel better? Take it somewhere else pal I’m not buying.