Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months agoEven the original Duke controller had two analog sticks and two analog triggers. Mapping two independent actions (camera movement and steering) to the same input was already bad in Halo CE, but it was downright criminal in Halo 2 and later games that started to include massive backdrop setpieces. You can either look at the Covenant spaceship glassing the city or steer your warthog, but not both. It’s asinine. 2 months ago
I’m not looking at the landscapes while in a firefight. That’s why the game designers give you moments of pause. Like when you exited the cave in Halo 4 or the very beginning of HL Episode 2.
I’ve never had any problems with Halo’s controls. 2 months ago
It can still be relevant in combat when you want to look around to see where your enemies are or find the exit or something.