Comment on Anon hates Apple 2 months agoWhy, exactly? Genuinely asking. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m no Apple fan, and he was absolutely an insufferable douchebag to nearly everyone he knew; and was a verifiable self-righteous fuckwit who Darwin’d himself out of existence by choosing woo-woo bullshit over medicine for a very treatable cancer.
Evil, though, I think might be a stretch – Elon, Thiel, Vance, Trump, Murdoch, the Sackler family, the Koch brothers, etc. all excellent contenders for being truly evil – but afaik Jobs was just a dickhead with an ego the size of a blimp, and I think we ought not dilute that term with just your run-of-the-mill dickheads. Unless you know something I don’t about him. 2 months ago 2 months ago
This told me nothing I didn’t already know. Like I said, he was a dickhead. But “evil” requires a level of maliciousness that transcends the people you are in physical contact with, imo – you have to be actively striving to make life worse for at least a few thousand people.
A dickhead and a shitty father, sure. But “evil” would require him to have done something much worse than just treat his kid and the people in his immediate orbit like shit. Just my opinion. 2 months ago
evil requires a level of maliciousness that transcends the people you are in physical contact with, imo
That’s a very strange definition. He also led moving manufacturing to China. You may have heard of the suicide nets they had to put up in their facilities. 2 months ago
I tend to agree. Being a narcissistic asshole isn’t the same as being evil. In the first case, it means doing bad things because you are self centered and have no regard for other people. The bad things aren’t done to hurt others, just to in a self serving way. Being evil requires an intent to do harm. 2 months ago
I’ve never understood why it’s just Apple that seems to get the blame for using Foxconn, they’re estimated to make 40% of all consumer electronics. Nintendo uses them for all their consoles (since the GameCube), Sony use them for their hardware (TVs, the PlayStation, etc.), MS for the Xbox, Amazon for the Kindles, Google for the Pixels, etc.
I don’t want this to sound like whataboutism, but I’ve just literally never understood why people seemingly overlook all the other companies using them to place the blame solely on Apple. 2 months ago
He was the ringleader of an illegal anti-poaching agreement between tech companies that kept worker salaries down.
He’s the root cause of much of what is broken with modern tech hiring. Bill gates is responsible for the other half (trick questions, etc) 2 months ago
“Genuinely asking” 2 months ago
It shouldn’t surprise you. Being evil is practically a requirement for that level of success as a capitalist. 2 months ago
To start with, Jobs lied and cheated Wozniak out of money. And this was Jobs friend, not some random.
If he is willing to do this to his friends, you know he did it to others.