Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson
The golden days of the net 🥲
People were pirating games over bbs in the 80s. I have a shoebox of 5.25" floppies for the commodore 64 with hand written labels.
Don’t copy that floppy
Take that 3.5 floppy you got in the mail and break the tab so that you could read / write.
Doom and Wolf3d for my buddies. Rise of the Triad. 5 weeks ago
People were pirating games over bbs in the 80s. I have a shoebox of 5.25" floppies for the commodore 64 with hand written labels. 5 weeks ago
Don’t copy that floppy 5 weeks ago
Take that 3.5 floppy you got in the mail and break the tab so that you could read / write.
Doom and Wolf3d for my buddies. Rise of the Triad.