Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago
I’m with the boomers on this one. You don’t have to start going 100% as soon as work starts, but at least be there. I guess it’s just a thing I feel personally is a good thing, when people are punctual. In a work setting I think it depends on the job. In relaxed office I suppose it’s whatever, unless you have meetings and shit, but don’t keep people waiting on you. It’s more about politeness and respecting people’s time for me, than us’ hyper capitalistic, ruthless industrial complex, void of decent labor laws with out of touch, powerhungry clueless boomer-bosses (adjectives!) who think being late is a curse upon their House. 2 months ago
Arriving 10 minutes late sometimes and being punctual aren’t related. (Don’t get angry, keep reading) If you aren’t making anyone wait for you, someone who really needs you, like a coworker waiting for a shift change, opening a store, a meeting, or attending a client, then you’re not late. It’s your time and your work, if the work is being done and delivered on time, then you are punctual, doesn’t matter if you arrived 10 minutes late that day.
That’s why at my office meetings are not allowed exactly at 8 or later than 4 pm, nor at lunch times. We are adults, we recognize we all have personal lives.
At my last job I worked with a boomer manager. She was always 15 minutes early, great, right? She had the worst work ethic I have ever seen. She usually left at 9 or so to do personal errands. Would take extended lunches for two hours or more. She would regularly cancel last minute or entirely miss meetings. Would leave late every single day, usually closing office (turns out she was embezzling money). Did she extend these courtesies to her employees? Not at all, she would give warnings and fire people, check cameras and comb timesheets to deduct wages, would complaint about bathroom breaks and fired a coworker for taking maternity leave. The point is, punctuality is a value about being considerate with other people’s time, not enslaving to a clock. Chairs have no feelings. 2 months ago
Punctual means arriving at a specific time. I think you mean punctuallity doesn’t always matter.