Packaged foods in different countries are exactly the same as what you can find in the US. They are all loaded up with the same stuff. But, just like anywhere else in the world, lots of people make their own food from scratch or buy healthy alternatives.
Comment on Does the USA simply have no food safety standard at all? 4 weeks ago
The USA puts colourings, additives, and other bits a pieces in food that is unnecessary, or unhealthy, but creates flavour. Then they go to other countries and say “your food tastes like shit”. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Holy shit NO! Half of your additives are illegal in Europe 4 weeks ago
First, don’t assume “your”. Second, you are using the EU as a reference. What about the Middle East, Asia, Africa, or the Pacific? As someone who has traveled the world, there is junk food in every culture and most of it is garbage. 4 weeks ago
USA use chlorine, excessive amounts of salt and sugar, and a ridiculous amounts of other additives.
Other countries regs are much stronger. 4 weeks ago
The fuck are yall on about… food from anywhere else is the best. I would go to events in Iceland regurally enough and it takes me a week or so after getting back to stop noticing that everything state side tastes like plastic. 4 weeks ago
Modern British food is some of the best in the world, far better than American slop.
Show me one yank that agrees with that 4 weeks ago
Show me a Brit that agrees with it lmao 4 weeks ago
Note the word “modern” 4 weeks ago
I’m stereotyping.