Comment on Wednesday SOTD Thread - December 18th, 2024 (#556) ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

Octidi 28 Frimaire an 233 de la Révolution, jour de Truffe

It is Buena Vista Wetshaving Social Club again! I was very excited about this one, because I had never before used a House of Mammoth soap. The smell I could identify was essentially leather and smoke, but the whole thing being rounder than in Oro Valley.

What they say about it:

The perfume accomplishes an extraordinary balancing act between dark and light, opening with airy vegetation and water and gradually descending into dark earth before, impossibly, becoming light, fragile, and delicate. The timeline of the wear is like a pulse, a heartbeat, a vibration, a life.

Yeah. It reminded me of Fumoir des Anges by Annette Neuffer, but less brutal with the smoke.

I thought since they are heavy on smoke, the Stag would complement it well – but I don’t know: the Stag is for me distinctly blue-collar, maybe proletarian, and this one clearly isn’t. Maybe I did get the light, fragile and delicate part of the scent. And who would have thought, it is very fitting for the day, since it contains truffle notes, and today is the day of the truffle in the French calendar!

This is a scent that did not immediately vibe with me, but I believe that there are very good chances that it would grow on me if I bought the full tub 🤔

Thanks to for this smush!

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