Comment on Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking? 3 days ago
I’m sure a high powered laser pointer is cheaper than that gun
Comment on Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking? 3 days ago
I’m sure a high powered laser pointer is cheaper than that gun 3 days ago
I’m sure the gun is cheaper than the optics. A bolt action .308 isn’t really going to set you back much. If she wanted to really fight the drones she’d be rocking an M1A. 3 days ago
She’d have a $100 used shotgun. Would you hunt a bird with a rifle? 3 days ago
Fuck it, mount those handheld EMPs on some poles all around your property and slip one in your bag. Wait, is this NCD? 3 days ago
That’s a Ruger American. Maybe $700, tax, tag and title?