Comment on Anons share life hacks 4 days ago
Skateboard weighs like 2kg.
I weigh like 100 kg. Yeah, fat fuck, I know.
Cliffs don’t have a defined height, but let’s say 100 m.
Speed at impact is like 45 m/s.
Have to kick skateboard downwards at 2250 m/s, or 8100 km/h to neutralise speed. That requires about 5 megajoules of energy.
Lose only about 0.13 kg of fat to kick board that hard but become deaf from the board becoming supersonic.
6/10, wouldn’t do that again. 4 days ago
Just use a big rock instead :) 4 days ago
What do you think a cliff is? 4 days ago
About 100m? 2 days ago
And spherical 1 day ago
How are you going to do a kickflip with a rock?