Comment on The Outer Worlds 2: First Gameplay Trailer 2 months ago
damn it
I misread as the Outer Wilds 2 and I was extremely excited for a fraction of a second until I realized it was the other game ::<
Comment on The Outer Worlds 2: First Gameplay Trailer 2 months ago
damn it
I misread as the Outer Wilds 2 and I was extremely excited for a fraction of a second until I realized it was the other game ::< 2 months ago
I haven’t played Outer Wilds yet, but I loved The Outer Worlds, so I’m all on board for this. I have my doubts that Microsoft will want Obsidian to launch Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 in the same year though. 2 months ago
please please please don’t look up anything about the Outer Wilds and go in blind
It’s a legendary game that most wish we had the ability to experience for the first time again with a mind wipe🏅🫡 2 months ago
I’ve been deterred for so long because Majora’s Mask was perhaps the most violent reaction I had to playing a video game, and Outer Wilds does the Majora’s Mask thing. 2 months ago
The one mechanic is similar, yes. But the gameplay and exploration are drastically different.
I can’t praise the game enough… it’s just so good. 2 months ago
I love the idea of the game, and started playing it. But realistically it needs you to commit to some continuous time otherwise you forget what you’ve learned, and I haven’t had the time yet. I played it for a few days, explored lots of places but didn’t learned anything, possibly I was looking on the wrong planets and trying to figure out how to do it right on that planet got frustrated because I didn’t have something that was needed, or something… But I do love the idea of the game, and I want to go in blind. But some of those puzzles can be really frustrating when you only have a few minutes per day and forgot all about them by the next time you try to solve them. 2 months ago
Use your ship log, it’ll remind you of all the clues you’ve found so far and how they connect together. But I agree it’s better to play continuously without large time gaps to keep everything you’ve learned fresh. 2 months ago
Just keep pecking at it! Unravel each thread until you’re stuck then grab a hint from somewhere and keep going, I had to come back to Outer Wilds after starting it once initially and giving up, and I’m glad I finished it. Especially the DLC. 2 months ago
Any game that I have to treat as a second job, is not a game that I want to play.
Plus it’s yet another open world title, which means a lot of running around, looking for something to do. Hard pass.