As a programmer I agree. I have fucked around with trying to parse unrestricted user inputs of dates and I have found out.
Year first is the only way I can actually know which value is day vs. month.
As a programmer I agree. I have fucked around with trying to parse unrestricted user inputs of dates and I have found out.
Year first is the only way I can actually know which value is day vs. month. 3 months ago
Why don’t programmers make a programme that can read dates instead of complaining that dates aren’t in a obscure format?
They in control of their own issues. 3 months ago
The date is 12/11/2024. Am I talking about yesterday or a day about a month ago? 3 months ago
Yesterday unless your mental.
Is 27 outside right now. What am I talking about? 3 months ago
YYYY-MM-DD is the only non-mentel way to write either.
I was only answering your question about why programming a way to parse those common date formats is problematic. 3 months ago
Because all the other programmers suck. 3 months ago