I’m gonna level with y’all. I have a certain number of areas where my palate is reasonably sophisticated and bougie (a nice dry cider… perfection), but in many ways I have the palate of a latchkey kid in 1993. I love a dozen kinds of fast food, sugary breakfast cereals, and yeah, I prefer other recipes over it, but I’m write films of regular Kraft Mac and Cheese/Kraft Dinner.
All of which is to tell you that I’m not sneering down from some Michelin-starred ivory tower when I say that Microwave bowls of Mac & Cheese are FUCKING DISGUSTING. Whatever combination of powdered milk and thickeners and Satan-snot they have to put into the bowls to make the process work at all is just nasty. It’s an abomination before the Lord.
sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip 1 month ago
You can get like, cooked noodles with shredded, decent quality cheese, from some places delis, that are microwaveble and actually pretty decent…
But yeah, the infinite shelf life, dry noodles and cheese powder, just add water… shit is disgusting when microwaved.