I agree, there are lots of options. I’m asking you for the leftist allowable top list.
If I put it in the stock market and make money for nothing, I’m a parasite. If I buy a vacation house and rent it the other 2/3 of a year I’m not using it, I’m a parasite. If I save it and suddenly accrue more than some magic limit, then someone is on the street and I don’t liquidate to them I’m a Taylor Swift parasite.
So I’m asking you: What am I allowed to do with extra money above and beyond what I need to survive the winter, pay for my healthcare, and house myself and my family? 🤔
puck2@lemmy.world 3 months ago
She should kick out her tenants and then rotate living between all 3 properties, thereby no longer being a leech.
HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world 3 months ago
i don’t know how anyone could survive without at least three properties. it’s a life necessity