The pay correlates directly to how hard you are to replace.
Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 2 weeks agoTalent and experience isn’t that rare. Nor does executive compensation correlate with performance. 2 weeks ago 1 week ago
Again, no. In most businesses the hard to replace workers are not promoted because they can’t be replaced. The ones that can be replaced are the ones who are promoted to management. 1 week ago
But Elon said CEOs are the most important people because they create the value. 2 weeks ago
Whether it does or not is irrelevant; what matters is the perception among executives that it does. 2 weeks ago
I think we’ve been shown there is a solution to that perception. 2 weeks ago
I know a few things which ought to matter a whole lot more to executives.