Attempts to dodge the question make it clear that you cannot articulate any harm here. Which is exactly what makes it not bigotry. Go touch grass mate.
I shouldn’t need to articulate why its harmful to insult people based on attributes they were born with. Sex and gender are protected classes under the laws of almost every developed nation. Bigotry is harmful, even if you think that the group you’re being bigoted towards has some perceived advantage. Arbitrarily stereotyping 50% of the earth’s population is foolish and closed-minded. 2 months ago
No, I’m asking you to explain a specific harm in a specific case which I don’t believe matches any reasonable definition of bigotry. 2 months ago
Ah, so bigotry is okay when it’s against specific groups then. Gotcha. 2 months ago
Attempts to dodge the question make it clear that you cannot articulate any harm here. Which is exactly what makes it not bigotry. Go touch grass mate. 2 months ago
I shouldn’t need to articulate why its harmful to insult people based on attributes they were born with. Sex and gender are protected classes under the laws of almost every developed nation. Bigotry is harmful, even if you think that the group you’re being bigoted towards has some perceived advantage. Arbitrarily stereotyping 50% of the earth’s population is foolish and closed-minded.