The people and the fact that it’s always FREEZING! Adding a heated chair doesn’t keep my nose warm. Then, the people down the row talked all the way through the movie.
Comment on The casual moviegoer is a thing of the past. That's a big problem for Hollywood 2 months ago
I hate going to the movies. It’s the people. There’s always someone talking or on their phone and theatres do little to nothing to curb the issue.
When I worked at a theater as a teen I was ruthless. You’d get one warning then I’d boot your ass out.
These days I can’t get through even scarcely attended movies without some jabroni distracting me.
When you go to movie the only sounds that should come from you are gasps, laughs, and maybe awes. I should be able to forget others are around. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Did you ask them to stop? 2 months ago
I know some of those people that never stop talking or always on their phone.
I’ve asked them to stop. I’ve told them to stop. I’ve pointed out that if it was somebody else doing it, they’d be pissed off because someone else is ruining their time. They have zero fucks to give.