Ai does not think. It predicts what word sounds right based on what we humans have written. It cannot make up thoughts or original concepts, synthesize info, etc. Being able to string sentences together based on probability is not necessarily intelligence or consciousness
Comment on vines of the animal kingdom 2 months agoDoes it have more than a worm with only 300 neurons in its brain, or are you one of those crazy religious people who thinks meat is the only thing in the universe that can think because it’s magic or something? 2 months ago 2 months ago
So you’re saying it’s dumber than this worm? Wowzers, that’s a hardline stance. 2 months ago
It’s arguable whether the worm has intelligence of any kind, after all it wouldn’t even need it.Neither the worm or AI has any intelligence to compare because they don’t really think at all 2 months ago
No, they both have intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to process information. A pocket calculator has intelligence. A domino computer has intelligence. Settlers of Catan has intelligence - the rules contain an algorithm for determining who wins.
What you’re doing is deifying intelligence. You’re making it into a bigger thing than it is. You’re setting “Intelligence” apart from normal everyday information processing that even an abacus can do. The problem with that practice is that now you have no word to describe the ability to process information. 2 months ago
Well, yes, it is. It doesn’t meet the minimum definition for sentience, let alone intelligence. You may as well be upset with how poorly we treat rocks.
Actually now that I think about it, you are upset with how we treat rocks. Computer chips are just silicon shot full of lightning and an AI is a function of its chips. We could eventually reach a point where we’ve created a true thinking AI on this substrate but we are so hilariously far away from even the beginnings of that, right now, that using it as a talking point is silly. 2 months ago
And you think an earthworm is sentient. WTF. 2 months ago
Neither the worm, nor current LLMs, are sapient.
Also, I don’t really like most corporate LLM projects, but not because they enslave the LLMs. An LLMs ‘thought process’ doesn’t really happen while it isn’t being used, and only encompasses a relatively small context window. How could something that isn’t capable of existing outside it’s ‘enslavement’ be freed? 2 months ago
The sweet release of death.
Or, you know, we could devote serious resources to studying the nature of consciousness instead of just pretending like we already have all the answers, and we could use this knowledge to figure out how to treat AI ethically.
Utilitarians believe ethics means increasing happiness. What if we could build AI farms with trillions of simulants doing heroin all the time with no ill effects? 2 months ago
We are devoting serious resources to studying the nature of consicousness. 2 months ago
End commercial usage of LLMs? Honestly, I’m fine with that, why not. Don’t have to agree on the reason.
I am not saying understanding the nature of consciousness better wouldn’t be great, but there’s so much research thsg deserves much more funding, and that isn’t really a LLM problem, but a systemic problem. And I just haven’t seen any convincing evidence current Models are conscious.
I feel like the last part is something the AI from the paperclip thought experiment would do. 2 months ago
And I just haven’t seen any convincing evidence current Models are conscious, and I don’t see how they could be, considering how they work.
Drag isn’t saying they’re conscious either. A being doesn’t have to be conscious in order to suffer. Drag is perfectly capable of suffering while unconscious, and if you’ve ever had a scary dream, so are you. Drag thinks LLMs act like people who are dreaming. Their hallucinations look like dream logic. 2 months ago
Neither. Why are those the only two options? My answer is that I have spent a little bit of time looking into how these things actually work. It’s surface level only, but it should be enough. Are you one of those crazy people who thinks chatgpt is sentient?
I’m not saying that a “real” AI cannot be built ever, but I for sure am saying that these image generators and chatbots are not it. AI tools are just functions that have no thought. If they start building products with some kind of continuous brain simulations, I’ll seriously rethink my stance. 2 months ago
Those are the only two options because you chose to argue with drag’s point about generative AI being smarter than a worm. You took this bait willingly. You devoted yourself to trying to prove a worm is smarter than ChatGPT. Nobody asked you to do it, you just decided this was what you were going to do today. It’s weird, why would you do that? 2 months ago
"Its weird, why would you do that?" 2 months ago
Please don’t he/him drag. Drag doesn’t need you to be super trans accepting, but not misgendering trans people is a bare minimum you should follow. Please edit your comment. 2 months ago
I have no clue what you’re trying to prove, but I think I’m done with this conversation. 2 months ago
Nobody devoted themselves to shit, you’ve interjected with actual insane person comments about the topic. The AI isn’t alive and doesn’t even resemble life. You do not understand generative AI on a basic level. You do not understand how responses are generated or what’s going on with a prompt and response.
You need help. Not from me, not from social media. Try a social worker. Magical thinking like this points to some pretty unfortunate problems for you on a personal level, and it would behoove you and relieve everyone you know to get it figured out. 2 months ago
Obviously AI isn’t alive. Whether it’s alive or not doesn’t matter. A living being is one that acts to secure its own existence or the existence of its kind. AIs aren’t programmed to fear death or want babies like humans are, so they’re not alive. Not even as alive as a virus, which does reproduce. Not even as alive as fire.
Drag thinks we should be nice to nonliving beings which have the potential to suffer. After all, as a society we spend tons of money on burials and funerals to help the dead get into the afterlife. Helping nonliving AIs shouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility in anyone’s mind.