Loved it a a child. Re watched it as an adult…holy shit. They’re using a real kitten and puppy…they had to use several kittens and puppies…those poor kittens!
They through a kitten to a bear. Into a quickly moving river. Got it to get pinched by a lobster. Through Milo off a fucking cliff!
How the hell did they get away with making this movie, even in the 80’s?
Oh. It was filmed and made in Japan is how. 2 months ago
Solid movie. Just… fucked up that they made it. 2 months ago
If you’re referring to the rumors of killing animals during filming, those appear to be false. Several Humane Societies put their names on the movie. The belief might come from them using so many different cats and dogs, but that’s because it took 4 years to film and they kept aging. 2 months ago
That’s fantastic if it’s true. It was my favorite film growing up and the reason my family got a few pugs in the late-90s/early-00s (Holy shit, did the poor things have problems). But I’ve read time and time again that animals were hurled off cliffs, had their feet broken to force limping, etc. I never stopped loving the film itself, but it certainly cast a very dark shadow over the entire production. 2 months ago
I think I could fix it? Like you could make that story about a live action cat and dog without harming anything.