Comment on I can't imagine being paid to act like I enjoy working in the office 3 weeks ago
I work in an office cubicle. I am constantly interrupted by coworkers asking for stuff or wanting to take about non-work related things. Or I am distracted by other co-workers who are having loud conversations within 2 meters of me.
I am probably 5x more productive at home than in this environment. 3 weeks ago
Nowadays cubicle are a luxury. Open floor space is the new hell. We got extra bonus torture at my place, putting office desks right on the fucking factory floor. 3 weeks ago
Oh yeah I’ve interviewed for a job like that. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever fucking heard. “We need people to know the engineer is reachable” ok cool, but I usually take multiple walks on the floor per day and they should know where my desk is and how to get ahold of me. I need some peace and quiet from time to time to do my job though 3 weeks ago
They need to be able to ask you a question anytime right away. Most questions are about the weather. Sometime it will be : I dropped this very delicate part then stepped on it, do I need to report it?