Alt universe where MS went full fossy, the event focused on rolling release called “Open Windows”.
Their version of the Recall is called “Skylight” and is an extension of their full local AI “Peephole”, for which a lot of companies pay specific licencing fees of the input data it is trained on (depending on their needs & quality of selection).
Their search engine “Periscope” got some heat lately for giving users the option to display sponsored generic links.
It would be so interesting to see a company thrive, which actually keeps their initial motivations intact.
Sad to see people fall for the greedy ways of pleasing investors and chasing trends…
Would be very interesting to have an actual example of a nice megaco (if that is even possible) 2 months ago
Alt universe where MS went full fossy, the event focused on rolling release called “Open Windows”.
Their version of the Recall is called “Skylight” and is an extension of their full local AI “Peephole”, for which a lot of companies pay specific licencing fees of the input data it is trained on (depending on their needs & quality of selection).
Their search engine “Periscope” got some heat lately for giving users the option to display sponsored generic links. 1 month ago
It would be so interesting to see a company thrive, which actually keeps their initial motivations intact.
Sad to see people fall for the greedy ways of pleasing investors and chasing trends…
Would be very interesting to have an actual example of a nice megaco (if that is even possible) 2 months ago
OpenWindows is not that. OpenWindows is the best thing ever with OpenLook. I’d really want OpenLook for 64bit Intel 2 months ago
Lul, I remember about this, never had a PowerPC tho. 2 months ago