Comment on They nailed it 3 months ago
My Dad always told me this was from Once Upon a Time in the West . Guess the old man lied to me!
Comment on They nailed it 3 months ago
My Dad always told me this was from Once Upon a Time in the West . Guess the old man lied to me! 3 months ago
He got the composer right though. 3 months ago
Oh shit I just looked it up and my old man was right and the OP is wrong! :O 3 months ago
They’re both right. Ennio Morricone did the soundtracks for both films.
I can understand your old man confusing he films. All the 1970s spaghetti western were filmed at the same locations, using the same actors, same writers and the same composer. 3 months ago
Well that specific song is apparently from the 1868 one, not the 1966 one.
Trust me my pops would not confuse the two, he was a die hard fan :D 3 months ago
But Leone’s most famous movies are from the 60s