Comment on why is my whisky evaporating? 3 weeks ago
Occam’s Razor: prefer the answer with the least assumptions. The simplest answer is that the stopper leaks.
You’ve only got a very small sample size and it’s possible that the stopper is slightly asymmetric and fits well one way and no other.
The easiest way to unreliability detect this is just to rotate the stopper in the neck and see if it sits in one place sightly differently than other positions. 3 weeks ago
I have noticed the stopper is occasionally harder to pull out, so I’m leaning toward this.
I guess I’ll have to get a few more bottles to expiriment. 3 weeks ago
Shame! 3 weeks ago
For research 3 weeks ago
If the room cools down after you seal the container it’ll feel tighter as well 3 weeks ago
I wonder if waxing the stopper might help?