The shared block lists need to keep up with bad faith signups, which will stop happening once the trolls are actually trying, though. So, it’s going to be on the shoulders of the subscriber feed.
Which was something that Twitter augmented long before they were bought by Elon. And is something that will probably show up once the shareholders start pushing the company towards an IPO, which will happen eventually.
But maybe they’ll add other interesting safety features before then. 3 months ago
Are they really using the term "reskeet?"
It certainly paints a very specific mental image. 3 months ago
That’s somehow worse than Mastodon’s toots. 3 months ago
That is really the term. Of course, every time a new wave of users join, they always say they’ll never call them “skeets,” but they usually change their mind in time.
In my personal opinion, I actually really appreciate them being called “skeets.” It kind of serves as a reminder that they are not to be taken seriously. I also appreciate that calling them “skeets” will help deter large corporations from joining for some time. (What company wants to be associated with a social media site where the posts are a tongue-in-cheek reference to ejaculate?) 3 months ago
It just reminds me of this… One of Killer Mike’s best, imho. Frisky Dingo died too soon.