Used to?
Comment on Anon doubts WW2 Germany 4 months agoU mean a druggy?
Everyone used to consume inorbitant amounts of hard drugs! Thats the charm of the time!
Or like are you to implying the narrative of nazi generals? That the war would have been won tups if Hitler didn’t meddle? ‘Cause thats also not true! The war rememtos are complete lies meant to convince nato to hire them as advisers, which they would have anyways. If things were to shit the fan with the ussr then they wanted the german militia… 4 months ago 4 months ago
Just wanted to shit on him. 4 months ago
My dude, take an actual fact that makes neo-nazis foam from the mouth! He was insecure about his pp size (…/27887059) 4 months ago
Won the war? Nah. Been much more of a pain in the ass for the allies to win? Probably 4 months ago
U don’t think that the US would have been willing to settle for peace if the germans literally won every single battlefield faster? They could have by giving [author of the book] all the resources and by giving none to the competing gens 4 months ago
Alternatively, those generals saw how badly things were going by late 1943/early 1944 and would push for a negotiated surrender. While those generals definitely did put all the blame on Hitler in their post-war memoirs to cover their own failures, Hitler was certainly to blame for continuing to fight until the Reds were almost literally knocking on his bunker door. 4 months ago
Also very possible. At the end of the day it’s all speculation