Are you saying OP is…
Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 5 weeks ago
My old boss is one of the 3 initial creators of Java. He ran our department the same way this greentext reads.
He was also a paedo. You can figure out the rest if you dig. 5 weeks ago
It’s written pedo. I don’t know where the “paedo” thing came from. 5 weeks ago
From PIE root “pau-” (few, little), to Latin-transliterated via Greek “paed” (boy, child), and spelled thusly to distinguish from “ped-” (foot), circa 1600AD. Reduced to “pedo” from “paedo” as part of the shift in Americanization of accents and spelling in the late 1700s early 1800s. 5 weeks ago
Confidently incorrect. 5 weeks ago
Known for : the Java programming language, internet sex crime and the fantasy defense.