Depends, how much is getting it seen going to cost me? And can I do my job with crutches I bought at the pharmacy? Cause if I miss a day I’ll get fired and the hospital will put me in jail if I don’t pay my bills.
America is a shit hole country.
Comment on Het Pijnstillersparadijs: Europese Zelfbeheersing vs. Amerikaanse Pillenfeest 2 months agoAlso often the pain is telling you that something is wrong - you wouldn’t treat a broken ankle with strong painkillers and continue walking as if nothing was wrong just because it doesn’t hurt anymore - would you?
Painkillers should make the pain bearable so you can still listen to your body and not take away the pain completely
Depends, how much is getting it seen going to cost me? And can I do my job with crutches I bought at the pharmacy? Cause if I miss a day I’ll get fired and the hospital will put me in jail if I don’t pay my bills.
America is a shit hole country.
yes, but if i know i broke my finger, and it has a cast around it, why should it keep hurting???
back in the ooga booga days there weren’t any casts, so it’s pretty logical that it shouldn’t keep hurting, but if I already know i broke my finger and can’t move it, I think it’s okay to use pain killers to stop the pain. 2 months ago
Of course not! We limp around trying to keep it from hurting, praying to any deity that will listen and some that won’t that it heals before you have to pay for a visit to urgent care.
The pills are just to help us go to work while we mentally figure out how many meals we will be skipping to pay for it.