No, we don’t see how well voting works. Trump got less votes this run than he did in the last election where he fucking lost.
Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 3 months agoWe can see how well just trying to vote them away is working. Fascists use violence to silence adversaries. All they understand is violence. You will never “moral high ground” a fascist into understanding the error of their ways. 3 months ago 3 months ago
Check the updated vote counts. Some states aren’t done yet and he’s already around a million or so more votes higher than 2020. 3 months ago
So instead of opposing them legally, you want to jump straight to violence? I guarantee that will make a martyr out of Fuentes, give Trumpers evidence about how “the enemy within” is dangerous and destructive, and lead to people you support and care about being killed in return.
Telling people to kill others first is not a plan for a safe nation, and it’s very illegal as well. If you ever stop talking big on a forum and actually commit the actions you are cheering for be prepared to spend the rest of your life in prison, and rightfully so. Even worse, someone mentally unstable might read all these posts and go do it themselves and ruin their life because of posts like this. But hey, that will be the ethical choice because it’s worth it right?
Violence should be a last choice, it should be kept within bounds that prevent it from being a crime/war crime, and should never be done by whoever is angry enough to kill people identified as dangerous by an internet forum.