Wow such asexual-phobia! (/s but only a little) Not everyone is “horny”.
The default should be “I’m horny” but unless I specify you have to guess who I’m horny for. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
No shade to my Ace friends intended. Totally possible to be horny for art or rock collecting or whatever. Doesn’t have to be a sexy thing. 5 weeks ago
Pan-sexual then, perhaps? 5 weeks ago
I prefer pots, tbh. 5 weeks ago
heh, this totally reminds me of Terry Pratchett’s dwarves, that spend a lot of time trying to find out what’s under the beard of the other first without asking that akward question xD 1 month ago
Maybe one day we can get there, but right now it might be better for a lot of folks if the default was “I’m not horny”.
But I’m with you on the dream.