Seriously! I just dont understand how so many people can just overlook this. Honestly they have openly approved it all. They never again have a right to expect justice for themselves, because they approved rampant criminal behavior in about the most formal way.
This is truly sickening. Clearly he can get away with anything just as he has always known. I just cannot figure it out. How can people do this? It truly makes me sure our species stands no chance. 3 months ago
It’s not for now, it’s for our kids, or their kids, assuming we get some morals in a couple of generations. 3 months ago
Assuming the planet is still habitable 3 months ago
“The statistical likelihood,” continued the autopilot primly, “is that other civilizations will arise. There will one day be lemon-soaked paper napkins. Till then there will be a short delay. Please return to your seat.”