This is America, and they aren’t white. They don’t speak white.
Sure, the unborn work for that too.
I just wonder what is so scary about immigrants to people? 3 months ago 3 months ago
Well they’re all lazy criminal welfare queens who are also taking all of our jobs somehow, don’t you read the right wing propag- I mean, news? 3 months ago
They’re different, even if they’re very similar. The important part is that they look different, too, because if you talked about all the white immigrants taking the white-collar jobs people would have to actually think beyond just a face-value assessment. Brown is bad is a lot easier than person over there could be anything so I need to talk to them and form even a basic relationship with them to figure out what’s going on and by then I might not be able to hate them so absolutely. 3 months ago
Being different is scary enough for those that lack education (either willingly or due to circumstances out of their control)