Also I don’t want more Americans moving here.
I have a sad feeling the rest of the world feels the same way.
I’m at the point where I want to leave these borders. I want to go somewhere relatively quiet and developed that has worker’s rights and isn’t some major player in the game of global domination.
I’d respect my new home and integrate and do my best to get along with my new neighbors.
But I’m pretty sure we’re stuck here to endure this madness.
The rich have already departed though. So you’ll probably end up with less humble American refugees and more pompous real-estate moguls. And for that, I’m sorry. 2 weeks ago
This is going to have a chilling effect on democracy, and an energizing effect on fascism, worldwide. The movement to try to limit climate change is now dead and buried, worldwide. There is no part of the world that is safe from the effects of this.