3 months ago
Evil shit. This shit is what stopped me voting for Labor years ago, and why I’m never going to return. 3 months ago
Evil shit. This shit is what stopped me voting for Labor years ago, and why I’m never going to return. 3 months ago
You’re cool with 100 unlawful non-citizens just running around? really?
The pair cited evidence in Senate estimates that the cohort includes people convicted of murder or attempted murder (12), sexual offending (66), assault (97), domestic violence (15), serious drug offences (15) and people smuggling (5). 3 months ago
I’m cool with the government not treating immigrants and asylum seekers as evil, and robbing them of their rights because of the actions of some of their cohort. 3 months ago
Well if you let this continue then the actions of ‘some of their cohort’ end up causing quite a bit of damage! See Europe right now which is dealing with a huge crime wave because of ‘some of their cohort’ and the majority of countries are now anti-immigrant.
So if you’re pro-immigration then your best bet is to restrict immigration down to countries and cultures that match our values, importing immigrants from Palestine will for example result in the country regressing backwards politically, but you probably think that’s racist so you’re in quite a conundrum!
Can’t support open immigration because that ultimately results in closed borders after increased crime/violence vs Can’t support restricting immigration to countries that share our values because that would make you racist.
Tough times.
btw I blocked this instance:
But this persons posts are still showing up? Shouldn’t they be blocked? 3 months ago
Bigots gonna bigot. 3 months ago
The way I understood the Blocked Instances setting to behave, I would have thought so. But as Blaze responded in that Meta thread, what this setting does is suppress that instance’s communities from your feeds - not its users (though there is a separate setting to block individual users that I have employed and can confirm it works as advertised). That seems a bit half-hearted of a feature. Hopefully Lemmy will at least offer you the option of blocking the users as well as the communities in the next release (due “soon”^tm^).
In the interim, the advice in the linked post suggests using an app instead of the main Web UI, I use Boost personally and can see it has a block instance feature. I haven’t played with it, though. 3 months ago
Can’t imagine any good reason you decided to block the largest queer instance on Lemmy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 3 months ago
And if they commited crimes, you ding them on the fucking crimes. You don’t ding them for being asylum seekers. 3 months ago
I’d prefer we don’t import crime in the first place, if you’re willing to get murdered or assaulted then go right ahead and be my guest… but most people would rather not