This is such an obvious conclusion of this saga that I have to assume that Labor saw it coming. If so, it implies that they made a political calculation that it was better for their reaction to be struck down months later than to let the original high court ruling stand.
And they were willing to violate the constitution and fuck with peoples lives for political expedience. 3 months ago
Evil shit. This shit is what stopped me voting for Labor years ago, and why I’m never going to return. 3 months ago
You’re cool with 100 unlawful non-citizens just running around? really?
The pair cited evidence in Senate estimates that the cohort includes people convicted of murder or attempted murder (12), sexual offending (66), assault (97), domestic violence (15), serious drug offences (15) and people smuggling (5). 3 months ago
I’m cool with the government not treating immigrants and asylum seekers as evil, and robbing them of their rights because of the actions of some of their cohort. 3 months ago
And if they commited crimes, you ding them on the fucking crimes. You don’t ding them for being asylum seekers.