The point of the game is to shoot people with actual guns until you’re the only person (or team) left. Is the word “kill” really where ESRB draws the line?? (not that I think fortnite should be rated R)
Yes but a big difference is Call of Duty is an R rated video game whereas Fortnite is rated T. Fortnite doesn’t feature blood, death, or swearing. Does it matter that the same kids probably play both? That’s for the parents to decide 3 months ago 3 months ago
I imagine Epic cares less about what the ESRB thinks and more about what the CCP thinks, seeing as Tencent has a major stake in Epic. China is generally anti-death in games 3 months ago
Personally, I can’t wait for XXX rated fortnight. /s 3 months ago
Of course Fortnite features death, we aren’t showering other players with love. 3 months ago
Death is such a harsh word. 3 months ago
Epic’s official language for the game never features death. Characters are eliminated, you can meet the god of the underworld, but no character ever actually dies. Apparently the ESRB says it’s ok 3 months ago
The language doesn’t matter, you are still reducing people’s health by shooting them, until their health reaches 0 and they cease to exist. Thus, it is death.