Comment on The Divine Dick
Congrats for getting out I guess?
To paraphrase Nietzsche, that which doesn’t kill you psychologically scars you and leaves you with a lifetime of therapy bills.
Hey pills are great, apparently quite a few people like them. Can you recommend any?
Currently I recommend bupropion and atomoxetine, but once I get an appointment with a psychiatrist, I’ll probably recommend lisdexamphetamine.
Modafanil is pretty great too. 2 months ago
To paraphrase Nietzsche, that which doesn’t kill you psychologically scars you and leaves you with a lifetime of therapy bills. 2 months ago
Hey pills are great, apparently quite a few people like them. Can you recommend any? 2 months ago
Currently I recommend bupropion and atomoxetine, but once I get an appointment with a psychiatrist, I’ll probably recommend lisdexamphetamine.
Modafanil is pretty great too.