And as I understand it, the existence of an inner planet (Vulcan) was a reasonable explanation consistent with Newtonian gravity. (The only problem was that the planet wasn’t there.)
Comment on The most powerful brain on Twitter 4 months ago
I mean… That is not really what was puzzling about mercury. Its elliptical orbit, as predicted by Newtonian physics, was shifting a little each orbit. It was not a trick of the light bending, it actually moves “wrong” according to newtonian physics. He could have just read wikipedia instead of making stuff up to try and sound smart.…/Tests_of_general_relativity 4 months ago 4 months ago 4 months ago
Detailed release notes for a URL change? You’re a saint and a scholar both. 4 months ago
I wonder if it’s a case of trying to make a habit of good practice. I’ve gotten into the habit of citing stuff when writing online, even if the context wouldn’t really demand that (or slapping a [citation needed] onto the end of stuff I know I could cite, but I’m too lazy to do and I want it known that lack of sources mean my assertions are questionable) 4 months ago
Thank you! I wanted to make the link to appropriate section and I usually click the section in the toc to get it. But I could not find the toc on the mobile site. 4 months ago
That last bullet was my first laugh of the day.