There’s a LOT involved in those questions, but I’ll try to keep it brief. I’ll give a few sources, but if I start linking extensively this post is going to run very long. Just know there’s a much more info that can be easily found from sources like the UN and humanitarian agencies like Amnesty International.
- Hamas (the government in Gaza and a terrorist organization) would happily wipe out Israel given the chance. Israel’s stated goal is to wipe out Hamas, but in reality they are killing a lot of Palestinians regardless of affiliation. For many years Israel + OPT (Occupied Palestinian Territories) has been an Israeli-governed apartheid state that oppresses Palestinians. So neither are good guys, although Hamas only has about 20-40k militants and it’s not definitely not fair to say the millions of Palestinians are all Hamas. In metrics like taking land, killing people, illegal taking of prisoners and abuse thereof, starvation, etc. Israel is many times worse in terms of numbers and has been for a long time (like well over a decade). Iran is involved because extremists want to destroy Israel for reasons like religion and reducing Western influence in the region. Iran also funds militias like Hezbollah that attack Israel.
- Peace is nearly impossible because of a long, long history of violence in that region. Also, to a certain extent this situation of hatred is actually the plan. Israel made sure Hamas got funding because Israeli leaders like Netanyahu found it convenient to have a “boogeyman” to fuel fear and keep Gaza and the West Bank divided.
- The last serious attempt at peace between Israel and Palestine was probably the Oslo Accords, but it was always controversial and didn’t work. Neither side kept 100% of their promises, and the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by an Israeli because of the Oslo Accords. There was still some support for peace following that assassination, but in the end it didn’t materialize.
- The USA is involved because Israel is considered a long-term ally in the volatile Middle East region. Plus there’s a LOT of money going both ways. Plus there are a lot of Christians in the US (mostly Evangelicals) who legitimately believe that Israel must conquer all land promised to them in the Bible in order for Jesus to return and they vote. Plus it’s huge business for industries like arms manufacturers. I’m also sure there are US voters who believe Israel is the moral choice, either because they don’t know the facts I’ve touched upon or choose to ignore/accept them. 4 months ago
Brief summary?
The Germans killed Jews. Jews, having been persecuted since forever, wanted a homeland to be safe. They wanted their old homeland that was occupied by Palestinians since before electricity, the Brits didn’t see a problem and helped establish Israel in the lands that the Jews claimed God gave them and the deed is in the sacred scrolls.
The Palestinians didn’t appreciate that.
Both sides push back against one another, the Jews had everybody who wasn’t Muslim backing them and that means all of the military support from the leading name in military tech, America. Israel treats Palestinians like freed slaves in late 1800s America, they all don’t belong and are probably up to something. Good old segregation and restricting of movements.
The Palestinians form “militaries” to fight back against Jewish colonizers. They have different names at times but the big one now is Hamas. They are constantly in these build-ups and attacks, which then Israel beats the everliving shit out of Hamas. Hamas, not being a formal military, exists within the Palestinian population. This means Palestine gets wrecked when Hamas does anything because Hamas=Palestine.
Everytime Palestine gets all assertive about keeping their lands, Israel stomps them and takes more land.
Lebanon and Iran supports Palestine existing and their fight against being slaughtered. Palestinians flee to neighboring Lebanon when Israel is off bombing everything again because it is safer than dodging tanks and bombs. Hamas also flees to Lebanon because their whole thing is not wanting to die so that they can fight later.
Clearly Lebanon is also Hamas, so they catch Jewish hands throwing brass knuckles they got from 'Murica because America doesn’t have any major wars going on and we just get off on violence and our Military Industrial Complex gets so fucking feral when they don’t have something to hate-fuck for profit and fun for any length of time greater than a few years.
Iran sticks up for their friends, you guessed it, they catch hands too.
So why can’t we have peace? People don’t like it when you kill people and the only moral genocide is their genocide, it says so right here in the scrolls and it is funded by American Taxes. 4 months ago
Thank you for the simplified complex breakdown.
Although I’m a USA citizen, I’ve never been in support of any wars.