Yeah but it’s funny
Comment on Stress 4 months agoFor those like me that had never seen this before:…/paris-hilton-debunks-stop-being-poor-…
This apparently never happened. 4 months ago
Comment on Stress 4 months agoFor those like me that had never seen this before:…/paris-hilton-debunks-stop-being-poor-…
This apparently never happened.
Yeah but it’s funny 4 months ago
is the real slogan that much better though lol 4 months ago
“Stop Being Desperate” has a real “Let them eat cake” feel, especially coming from her. 4 months ago
Paris Hilton is an abuse survivor that built a public persona to sell to people. The “rich spoiler girl tries common people’s things” was an act. 4 months ago
I’m aware of and support her current work and I agree that she’s much smarter than her public persona would lead people to believe. However, she still comes from a place of unbelievable privilege and telling people to “stop being desperate” is incredibly tone deaf, IMO.
Two things can be true at the same time. 4 months ago
Was at a party with her at Cannes a decade ago and she was DJing, and was actually kinda good at it. She was with some young boy toy acting like a party girl. Soon as her set ended and the cameras went off it was like watching a switch flip. The dude left and she seemed to go have a quiet drink with a group of friends I couldn’t make out. I learned about her past and business behind the scenes shortly after and felt like you know what, respect. Get that paper girl.