Ages ago, there was a time where my dad would mail back up tapes for offsite storage because their databases were large enough that it was faster to put it through snail mail.
It should also be noted his databases were huge, (they’d be bundled into 79 pound packages and shipped certified.) 4 months ago
Pigeons with flash drives ftw…/yes-a-pigeon-is-still-faster-t… 4 months ago
IP over Avian Carrier 4 months ago
IP over Avian Carriers with QoS 4 months ago
Peregrine falcons FTL…
(There’s this fat fucker that hunts off our building’s rooftop. It waits for a pigeon to strike the neighboring buildings windows and scoops them up. Some how it’s reassuring to know that humans aren’t the only lazy animals. Peregrine are freaking cool though.) 4 months ago
That’s smart predator behavior! Culls the stupid and injured. Saves energy and reduces risk. Live long and prosper. 4 months ago
Yes, it is.
I just wish the neighbors building wasn’t so prone to window strikes.