Comment on Why is selling fake medicine legal in the USA? 2 months ago
The internet creates a bit of a whack-a-mole problem with this one. Reminds me of certain bracelets and other consumer products sold as emitting some sort of “negative ion energy” for health benefits. Testing found they had Thorium, and were significantly radioactive.
If I recall correctly the Dept of Energy got involved with that one. Since the products came from overseas, though, there’s only so much that can be done.
Yeah, here we go: 2 months ago
And, on whack-a-mole, when one vape import gets banned, another company starts right up doing a very marginally different chemical mixture and ships it out. They can say “well you banned X, but technically not X” and the whole process starts over. 2 months ago
That’s an issue of not letting oversight agencies have enough teeth. Not a “welp we’ll just never figure this one out I guess” type of situation. We’re not special and other countries have solved many of these problems. 2 months ago
I really wish more Americans would understand this. We are looking at the results of several generations of constant bombardment of “American exceptionalism”. This is what happens when valuing the individual over the community becomes a core value of a society.