It’s Ontario! aka. Open for (Big) Business. No longer “Yours to Discover” because it’s all been sold off.
Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 4 months agoWhere do you live, Alberta? Or one of the maritimes?? 4 months ago 4 months ago
Sounds like Ontario 🙃 4 months ago
That really sounds like one of the flat-lander regions.
I get 21 holidays a year, not counting every second friday off because of my 9x9 compressed-time agreement. If I plan it right, and hit the stats with the comp days, that’s 7 weeks off a year. Why, that’s almost european. I’ve just finished my first year at this shop. 4 months ago
Is that by law, or what your employer offers? Because I’m talking about what the law requires.