It's a different world these days. Two decades ago I'd do rails of molly out of an Altoids can which was being passed around a festival campsite. Now anything can have fent in it. Shit sucks and I kind of feel bad that kids these days have to deal with this.
Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months agoYou’re on the internet. Halfway there. 4 months ago 4 months ago
True, you have to teach people how to obtain and use testing kits 4 months ago
*safely obtain them. I don’t know how to tell apart legit sites and honeypots, and as a trans girl in Texas I am really really really worried about potentially being arrested. So I don’t risk it, and I probably won’t until I meet someone I can trust irl who can help me get access tbh. 4 months ago
Get a lysergemide analogue from a reputable chem site. comes to mind as the most trustworthy in the USA.
Technically not illegal as long as you say you weren’t going to use it for human consumption. Research only.
Its more expensive than street L but depending on your sources most likely way, way cleaner. Its from a legitimate lab so you know its synthesized correctly. 4 months ago
That’s not bad advice in general, but why do you think dark web drug market traders wouldn’t have an incentive to sell quality goods?
If you sell something adulterated, you’re gonna get extremely bad reviews. Some modern recreational drugs users (especially ones who go so far to use dark web markets) are extremely savy about their own drugs. Testing kits and even proper lab testing is pretty common. If you live in continental Europe, it’s no problem. More in some countries, less in others. But basically you can mail a sample to a lab from anywhere, for a fee. But in a lot of countries in Europe they’re just available for free, for harm reduction.
You’d be kind of silly to think people who have a site who sell “novel research chemicals” haven’t dabbled with illicit substances at some point or another. Having already the capacity to manufacture lysergemide analogues, they would have no trouble making a batch of LSD. And that’s worth a bit more. It’s just harder to get rid of sometimes, being illegal and whatnot. These legal substances pay less, but have much less risk, being technically legal (until the laws catch up basically).
I’m not trying to sound like a dick here, just it’s a subject near to my heart. The illegal drug markets are so fucking vast that it’s insane we as a society pretend that prohibition prevents people from getting and using drugs that we just forfeit all the money that could be made from taxing that as a trade, globally.
If I had the powers of a genie and could snap my fingers and the world just changed so that all drug purchases would have taxes on them, the amount of money gained with even a 10% tax could solve world hunger (if utilised properly.)…/how-much-would-it-cost-to-end-world-…
And personally I’m of the opinion that the global drug trade value is severely underestimated. And 10% tax would be nothing. Compare for example to European alcohol tax rates, which are around 25-30%. The tax on tobacco here in Finland is around 50%.
Huuuge rant from one offhanded comment you made it. Don’t take it personally lol I just like writing shit to distract myself. 4 months ago
If you’re in Europe yes you will most likely get quality psychedelics. If you are a customer in USA and not getting international shipments (which is risky) you aren’t going to get the best quality available. I’d say that’s most likely true for cocaine too.
It just isn’t going to happen because anyone with quality crystal L in the USA isn’t going to just give it to anyone. What they would sell on the markets would be Champagne or lower quality I’d bet.
Sure you’ll find people who say its needlepoint or Czech25 (lol) but it just doesn’t make it true.
Also, have you ever ordered something from a vendor and it was absolutely shit but yet had glowing reviews? Its very easy to make tons of accounts and give yourself good ratings. The very nature of the sites make them anonymous. People do it to amazon reviews all the time and those can actually be traced back to a person but the market ones allegedly can not. 4 months ago
Ooo, I will keep this in mind! 4 months ago
Okay, yeah, I can’t definitely understand that.
I’m unsure as to how much of this I can talk about here, but what online stores have going for them is often safety and reliability. Unless the markets are “cashing out”, they’re usually safe.
(“Cashing out” as in they have a functional market people use, then when it’s been going for a while, they’re decide to end it, they just stop relaying orders but keep the money that’s in escrow, usually still get action for some days/weeks, leading to huge profits.)
That being said, you’d need a safe mailbox to order to, so as not to order drugs to your own home.
But yeah, IRL can be better, especially because you can then have someone who instructs you or acts as a tripsitter if you feel like you like to have one.
IRL can also be worse, because you don’t really know what you’re getting for a certainty. Unlike with online traders, because you can choose someone who has hundreds of positive comments and a good rating.
People honest don’t know how easy getting drugs is in most parts of the world, which is what makes it hard for them, which in turn makes it easy for everyone who does know, because you can quite comfortably do your business in front of people who are totally oblivious to it.
But yeah. Don’t get arrested in Texas for drugs as a trans-girl, I strongly agree with that. Hope Harris wins and the US could perhaps improve a bit. Stay safe, sister. <3 4 months ago
Yeah the delivery part has always been what’s worried me the most. I don’t know anything about getting a secure mailbox because as I understand it, any delivery point that belongs to you can be traced back to your name. And the only options I have are my house and the UPS/USPS office for delivery.
Also yeah I’ll be voting for this election, hoping for a Harris win too and also for Allred to finally kick Cruz out of Texas! 4 months ago
Pretty much yeah.
The defense I used here in Finland was that since you can’t trace who sent it and there’s no verified money traffic from me to a drug dealer, they can’t really prove it’s me.
If I knew your address, I could send you a bag of drugs. Would that make you a criminal? Even if you didn’t want it? If it does, then shouldn’t I just mail anyone I don’t like in the US some weed, basically?
My point is I don’t know how the laws about that sort of thing work over there, but I knew how they worked here, so I was at customs several times telling them I don’t know shit about any drugs that came to my address. They knew that I knew that they knew that I knew that they knew. You know? But it didn’t matter the slightest, because there was no way of connecting me to the drug order. I think I even bought the bitcoin from my account, but it’s like if you had taken out cash at an atm. Ofc drugs are bought with cash, but factually connecting you taking cash from your account to you using it to buy drugs is something they have a hard time doing.
But yeah, I knew how these things worked here. They just always had to drop the charges despite it being extremely clear I was guilty, because no evidence. So I’m not gonna suggest anything for you, as the sentences are a bit harsher for all drug things in the US. Well, except for weed, since it’s legal in some states. Even though it’s still illegal on the federal level. Crazy. 4 months ago
I’ve found multiple friendly employees at vape shops in both Arkansas and Oklahoma, especially in the college cities of course. But that might be a productive avenue that’s worth trying out.
Best of luck from an ally not too far away! 4 months ago
I know they ain’t quite the same, but you might be better served at finding some spores. It’s the mushrooms that will get you in trouble.
Peyote might be an option given your locale. 4 months ago
I feel like I remember hearing bad things about Peyote? Not sure if that’s what I’m thinking of. No idea how to grow spores (or really anything for that matter), I suppose I could learn at some point but for now it’s not something I have the time nor resources to really sustain.