Yeah, it’s a bit overblown, but…
the bloke who is in the highest position you can possibly be in can’t buy a nice place to live?
He’s not buying it to live in because an MP has to live in their electorate. So unless he’s retiring - and he says he’s not - it’s either an investment or a holiday house.
But the reason it’s news isn’t because some guy bought a nice spare house. It’s because, as you’ve identified, he’s the guy in the top job, who is currently doing fuck all to address the housing crisis. 3 months ago
Yeah I don’t really like this trend of people trying to shame each other over how they spend their money. We get it: you’re mad cause you’re poor and others have more money than you but crying about it won’t change that. Concenrate on improving life for yourselves and those around you instead of trying to tear down others through envy. There are plenty of people struggling financially who just get on with it and try to make the most of life but I guess some are born to sook.
“iN tHe MiDdLe oF A hOuSiNg CriSis” doesn’t actually mean anything either. Housing is a long-term issue that will require long-term solutions, there is no quick fix here. So how long do the complainers expect Albanese to hold off on spending his own money, I wonder? He is 61.