Comment on Math Research 4 months agomy guess is the comic is about Pontyragin’s maximum principle, a theorem in control theory. He was a blond Russian mathemematician and his mother helped him learn maths by reading books to him. He developed control theory for an application on optimizing rocket speeds or maybe logistic trains or something like that. 4 months ago
Can you do what you just did, but for “control theory”. Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top? 4 months ago
you want to find “forces” to apply to a dynamical system so that you steer it in behaving the way you want. it can be as simple as asking “what are the forces that I need to apply so that it eventually goes to a place I want it to”. In general applications are in the domain of optimal control theory which also requires to minimize a certain function while you are controlling the system. So then the questions become
1- Can I find external influences such that I can force this system to end up there
2- What is the minimal cost way I can force this system to end up in there
In the example of a rocket it could to reach a certain speed or a certain location (both can be seen as subsets of the coordinate,speed phase space which is where the dynamical system evolves) while minimizing fuel usage 4 months ago
This is why I fucking love this community.
Reddit comments would be filled with meme jokes instead of insightful and patient people here elaborating this meme into lament.
Thank you! 4 months ago
You are awesome. I hope you know that 4 months ago
I think control theory, after reading the Wikipedia first paragraph, is using doing math to calculate how to consistently do a thing. 4 months ago
Fucking nailed it. My favorite application of them is to brew espresso at exactly the right temperature.