Comment on It's Wednesday, my dudes. 5 months ago
But then when the bogs get flooded for harvest, the wolf spiders have nowhere to go that’s not water, so the people who are harvesting cranberries are like tall islands of refuge, so they swarm to the humans for safety, so the humans are covered in friendly happy relieved wolf spiders <3 5 months ago
There’s a man in the hole and a spider on the man and a frog on the spider in the bog down in the valley-o! 5 months ago
Is this meant to be sung to the cadence of one of Tom Bombadil’s songs? I dunno why that’s just what felt right when I read it. 5 months ago
My father had this album on cassette growing up. I played it so much I wore out the tape. The unicorn song is straight fire. 5 months ago
I’m riffing on The Rattlin’ Bog.
A sort of folksy children’s song that builds to a silly degree with each verse. 5 months ago
It’s also a drinking song! 5 months ago
It’s a common type of children’s song, where things are added to the lyrics each verse and the chorus gets longer and longer. You might know There’s a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea, or a Worm in the Garden, or the AJR song Hole in the Bottom of my Brain.