It can definitely work if you’ve trained it right. It’s how I discovered many of my now favorite vocaloid/utau/deepvocal/whatever songs, amongst other groups outside of that vocal synth genre. It definitely isn’t doing me super dirty in the music department.
Why are you listening to the youtube recommendations? Why are you looking at the recommendations? What are you expecting there in the first place?
There was a time when the YouTube recommendations were actually pretty good. I discovered a number of great artists just from suggested songs and playlists. That no longer seems to be the case though, my recommendations have been garbage for more than 5 years at this point. 5 months ago 5 months ago
It could work when the algorithm was like that but they changed it to consider using users as test subjects for more lucrative users 5 months ago
Dunno what y’all did to your algorithms but mine is still working just fine. When something odd comes up that I don’t like, I tell it not to continue recommending that. 5 months ago
Yeah. You gota curate that shit. Then it works.
Well, I make maps for a rhythm game and like to rewatch my showcase videos, so it started offering me that (meaning it’s music I enjoy but with a lot of shooting in the background).
But other than that it’s solid.